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G membrane that is glass fibre reinforced for gravel ballasted, inverted and green roofs. It can withstand extreme climates and microbe attack.
Protan G membrane is a glass fibre reinforced, microbe durable PVC membrane for gravel ballasted roofs, inverted roofs, and green roofs. Protan G membrane can withstand high and low temperatures and attack by micro-organisms. The membrane is dimensionally stable, which is important in load-bearing applications.
The Protan G membrane is used for wet room walls and floor.Waterproofing helps protect from damages caused due to humidity and seepage.
We recommend the Protan G membrane for wet rooms both for new construction and renovation projects. Protan G membrane is a 1.5 mm thick waterproofing membrane that can be hot air welded, and used both on the floor and walls in the wet zone.
Humidity causes more damage on buildings than anything else. Humidity damage costs home owners and society at large several billion NOK every year. Health problems caused by bacteria and fungus growth in the building materials come in addition to the costs. Small leakages with “insignificant” amounts of water can quickly cause serious damage to the building.
Protan G membrane is a versatile product manufactured by Protan. It has been used for roofing and terrace construction for past 30 years.
Protan G membrane is used as a covered terrace membrane on terraces with concrete slabs, wooden decking or concrete. This is a glass fibre reinforced membrane with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Protan G membrane is a well developed product that has been used both for roofing and terrace constructions in the market for over 30 years. The membrane has been tested and documented with a Technical Approval from SINTEF Building and Infrastructure.