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Protan supplies specially designed solutions for manufacturers of roof and terrace panels. Every year Protan sells over 400 000 m2 of roof coverings and membranes to Nordic manufacturers of these panels.
Protan supplies custom-made prefabricated sheets with lengths and widths ready-made for the manufacturers’ module panels. We can provide specific widths up to 3,96 metres and also supply lengths adapted to be effective and easy to install on the production line, thereby avoiding unnecessary wastage.
Protan supplies roofing solutions for house construction companies, both for flat and sloped roofs.
These deliveries are typically on a project basis; for example, for a housing complex or a new residential area. Protan roof coverings and membrane products are often supplied via our European network of distributors and collaboration partners within the roofing industry, or we supply roofing or membranes directly to the construction companies, who then install the products themselves.
Thermoplastic membranes are most often used on flat roofs but Protan membranes can also be used on sloped roofs. Different coloured membranes and accessories such as Omega profiles give architects and builders a lot of aesthetic flexibility with Protan products.
Cost effective products, quick turnaround time and safe solutions make Protan a popular choice among Nordic house construction companies. Protan products also meet various requirements for sustainability and environmental considerations, which these companies are increasingly concerned with.
Water drainage solutions such as Protan BlueProof and BlueProof Green will become a common sight on Norwegian houses in the future, since these solve surface water problems and replace costly digging and rubble removal. A detached housing area with modern flat-roofed buildings will advantageously solve the surface water problem by using the roof surface for this purpose.
Protan supplies custom-made solutions for standardised modular buildings such as barracks or pavilions for schools or nursery schools.
Modular buildingmanufacturers have many of the same requirements as manufacturers of prefabricated roof panels and are thus focused on production efficiency and the environmental characteristics that are part of Protan’s roof coverings and membrane products.
When Protan supplies products to module manufacturers, these custom-made solutions will contribute to minimal residual waste, as well as the bare essentials when it comes to installation. In many cases it is not even necessary to do welding in the production hall since the prefabricated sheets are easily adhered or installed with a few fastenings.
Protan wall covering is a vinyl wallpaper specially developed for wall panels and partitions for office buildings.
The wallpaper component is available in a range of colours and surface textures and can easily be adapted for individual requirements. This offers many advantages both for new builds and renovations.
Protan wall coverings have a short delivery time and can be supplied in both large and small order volumes. This offers great flexibility and security. Our long experience and expertise in vinyl wall coverings mean we are a supplier our clients can depend on.
Protan wallpapers are comprised of a durable PVC surface that tolerates moisture and does not contain any chemicals on the Norwegian authorities’ list of chemicals that should either not be used or phased out. Production waste is stored or burnt at approved incineration sites. Degassing is extremely minimal.